Our social media guidelines ensure all of our social media users can interact and join in our conversation.

We ask all users of The Auckland Project’s social media profiles to follow the guidelines laid out below.

Any posts that don’t follow our guidelines for acceptable content may be removed by a moderator. We are not responsible for the content of any message that is removed due to obscene or inappropriate content; it is the responsibility of the user to ensure the posting follows these guidelines, as laid out below. 

If a user repeatedly ignores these guidelines and posts obscene or inappropriate content, The Auckland Project reserves the right to block them from accessing our profiles. 

1. Offensive language 

The Auckland Project will not tolerate any posts/comments which use swearing, vulgar language, racial or sexual slurs, or any other language that may be deemed offensive. 

2. Defamatory content 

Posts/comments that may have an adverse effect on the reputation of a specific person or The Auckland Project. 

3. Indecent, violent or pornographic material 

Images or video of an inappropriate or upsetting nature will be removed.

4. Political views 

Any posts/comments that express opinions for or against a political party or individual. 

5. Harassment 

This includes comments that may be harassment of another person, including jokes or insults. 

6. Advertising 

User wishing to advertise a service through one of our social profiles is asked to contact us directly, either by emailing [email protected] or sending a private message, unless a prior arrangement has already been made.

7. Spam 

Repeated messages promoting or linking to inappropriate external services, content or events may be removed at the moderator’s discretion.